Transformational Housing
CHC offers what they call Transformational Housing as a part of their life-changing programming. Transformational Housing is more than just providing "three hots and a cot." Transformational Housing also includes a family-like atmosphere, transportation, evidence-based educational and career development training and mentors. If you or someone you know is interested in CHC's Transformational Housing, complete an Application to become a CHC Residential Partner (click here). Along with completing the application you will also be required to provide the name of someone who is willing to provide a letter of recommendation. Recommenders can be a Department of Corrections Re-entry/Pre-Release Counselor, a Community Partner that works with homeless individuals, a Pastoral Partner, a CHC board or staff member or a CHC volunteer.
If an applicant is accepted to move on to an interview, they will be contacted and an interview will be scheduled. If an applicant is not chosen to interview, they may re-apply after twelve months. If an applicant is chosen to participate in the program, they will receive a move-in date, and an instructions and a move-in date. after Residential Partners are individuals who are willing and able to partner with the CHC staff and volunteers to turn their lives around. We require that Residential Partners live take the lead in proving to themselves and the CHC staff and volunteers that they are ready to live their lives in such a way that focus and change is easy be ready to take this step through intense and intentional focus on Once accepted, the Residential Partner will proceed along The Pathway Forward. Each Residential Partner will complete questionnaires and assessments to gauge their academic, social, emotional and spiritual needs and their pathway will be personalized accordingly. The length of the Pathway Forward is contingent upon the Residential Partner's needs and will be at least 12 months long.
If an applicant is accepted to move on to an interview, they will be contacted and an interview will be scheduled. If an applicant is not chosen to interview, they may re-apply after twelve months. If an applicant is chosen to participate in the program, they will receive a move-in date, and an instructions and a move-in date. after Residential Partners are individuals who are willing and able to partner with the CHC staff and volunteers to turn their lives around. We require that Residential Partners live take the lead in proving to themselves and the CHC staff and volunteers that they are ready to live their lives in such a way that focus and change is easy be ready to take this step through intense and intentional focus on Once accepted, the Residential Partner will proceed along The Pathway Forward. Each Residential Partner will complete questionnaires and assessments to gauge their academic, social, emotional and spiritual needs and their pathway will be personalized accordingly. The length of the Pathway Forward is contingent upon the Residential Partner's needs and will be at least 12 months long.