CHC is excited to offer the following volunteer opportunities!
- Artistic Expression is an important method of bringing people together around difficult issues. CHC uses drama, poetry, spoken word, dance and music to highlight the lived experiences of system impacted people. If you would like to help with these projects, click CHC Volunteer Form below.
- CHC Intern - As we embark on new projects that help us to fulfill our mission, we need individuals who are passionate about healing and justice to help us with administrative tasks. To become an intern to help with CHC's administrative tasks, click CHC Volunteer Form below.
- Family Healing Circles are a positive planning process that focuses on how people leaving incarceration can transition and create positive lives. Using restorative practices, individuals and families are able to have difficult conversations with respect and integrity. Our Circle Facilitators live in Central Virginia and may be formerly incarcerated persons who have been out for at least 3 years or are individuals who may have been impacted by the incarceration of a loved one or simply have a desire to work with individuals and families with this lived experience. If you would like to become a Family Healing Circle Facilitator, click CHC Volunteer Form below.
- Community Healing Circles provide a space for community members to share their truths and listen deeply in a respectful environment with individuals they may not ordinarily come into contact with. Using a similar approach as Family Healing Circles, our Community Healing Circle facilitators will have lived experiences that mirror the individuals and families of the community. If you would like to volunteer as a Community Healing Circle Facilitator, click CHC Volunteer Form below.
We deeply appreciate you and your interest in helping us to make a difference!